I know it's been over a month since my last post, but I really have been busy! Last month, I went to San Francisco and ended up staying an extra day and half for an in-store at Amoeba by a band called TsuShiMaMiRe, I'm not sure why I didn't post anything about it... in fact the whole trip was pretty interesting since we stayed in the Marina District and walked around a lot. We even went to the Exploratorium, which has always been one of my favorite places in SF... I think I got too distracted after I got back since I had to finish a Digital Video project... I think I'll post it on my website as well as a blog about that trip...
For now, here's what's happening now. I've been contributing to a fashion blog called Sneak Peeq, these are my posts to it so far:
Soft and Sexy Wrap by Victoria's Secret
Madden Girl Sheldun Boots and Floral Petticoat Skirt by Forever 21
My Favorite Brands
I went to a Halloween party in Seal Beach, which was fun and great for my boyfriend to talk to other gamers in person. The next night, we went up to the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood for a screening of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and panel discusion moderated by Guillermo Del Toro (who was hilarious!) with Edgar Wright, Bryan Lee O'Malley, and Michael Cera. It was awesome seeing the movie with a bunch of fans and then watching/hearing the discussion about it. Here's a picture from the end of it, during which Guillermo Del Toro was making some funny remarks about how much he hates taking photos:
We were sitting pretty close to the front, so I did get a lot of good photos - more of which can be seen on
my Flickr account. To continue with the Scott Pilgrim blu ray mania, we went up to Amoeba early on Tuesday morning to secure our spot in last night's signing event. Lots of waiting around, but it was pretty cool to meet a bunch of the cast and creators of the movie and get them all to sign the blu ray sleeve. Here's a picture of the signed sleeve and box:
Aubrey Plaza, Mae Whitman, Michael Cera, and Edgar Wright were kind enough to also sign the outer box for me. There were 12 people signing total, so there was very little time for chit chat and none for photos since they had to sign about 400 items total. That's like 48,000 signatures total! I'm really glad they had this kind of event, since it shows just how dedicated the fans, creators, and actors involved are to this film. I hope it really is a game changer in how movies are made.
I've recently been contacted by a few different recruiters about web design/development jobs, and since I did drop a couple classes - I decided I would look for part time and telecommuting jobs until I'm ready for a full time job again. I want to finish my Photoshop and Final Cut Pro classes, since I do enjoy them and I don't want to fully drop all my classes for work. There are also some Web Programming (ASP and Perl) classes I want to take at Cypress College (which are online, except for exams). As much as I enjoy the graphical side of web design, I think the programming side is very useful and important in understanding and creating better websites.
I also recently applied for O'Reilly's Blog Review program, so that I can review their stuff while learning useful things. I applied to review this book:
Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript By Jonathan Stark. It combines stuff I already know with stuff my boyfriend wants to learn, so I figured it would be helpful if we both read it and learned to make Android apps. I am still in the process of reading it, so I'll let you know all about it when I'm done.
I actually still have a lot of reading about the Bento Box stuff I mentioned on my last post. I have pretty much everything I need to make cute looking food and the containers to put them in... the hard part is actually trying it out and making stuff!